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CIRS 026脊柱模体
产品: 浏览次数:0CIRS 026脊柱模体 
品牌: CIRS
单价: 1.00元/台
最小起订量: 1 台
供货总量: 99 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 30 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-03-16
 美国CIRS 026脊柱模体,CIRS 026脊柱模体,用于骨密度仪的测试

BioClinica's "Bona Fide Phantom" (BFP), is a quality control tool for Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) instruments, which features an acrylic-embedded calcium hydroxyapatite (CHA) step-wedge.  Advanced design features make it the best choice for assessing DEXA instrument stability.  You can successfully use the BFP on all mainstream DEXA instruments.

The BFP offers a range of densities (0.7 - 1.5 g/cm2), to verify instrument function over the clinically relevant range, not just at a single, "healthy" BMD.  Linearity of BMD over the clinically range is critical for full instrument evaluation.  The phantom uses a CHA insert for direct assessment of bone density accuracy.  The CHA insert is compliant with FDA guidelines for cross-calibration phantoms for clinical trials.  

The BFP is cast in acrylic and comes with its own carrying case for easy handling.  The tote remains on the phantom during scanning and does not affect BMD readings, allowing rapid placement and removal for the phantom from the bed.  A flight case is available as an option.

美国CIRS 026脊柱模体特点:

  • Checks a Range of Densities

  • FDA Compliant

  • Easy to carry and can be Scanned in the Bag

  • Universal Axial DEXA Instrument Compatibility

  • No Water Bath

  • Edge-Detection Challenge

  • Realistic Soft Tissue Mimic

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